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I’m on a mission to empower you to be an entrepreneur,

to envision your success through innovative, visionary & transformative mentorship,

to achieve your best self, discover your voice & challenge the status quo. 

Avon is more than just makeup and skincare. It's a force that empowers women to look and feel their best while also making a difference in the world.

We apply mascara to lashes and put food on tables, fight wrinkles with one hand and understand the value of a perfect lip. We've been doing this for over a century, and I'd like to invite you to join us and be a part of our legacy, while creating your own. Not only will you open doors for yourself, but also for countless others. 

I am looking for women and men whom I can share my extensive knowledge with.  Are you interested in learning more on our amazing business opportunity? Let’s connect.  

Posing in Lingerie

"I believe that being an Avon Independent Ambassador is like compound interest.
The sooner you start your business,the better off you will be." 

Your time is now!

Being a part of our Avon community gives you the freedom to be yourself and assist you in acquire life-changing lessons.

We nurture your innate desire to grow and become the best version of yourself, all while supporting each other as a part of an empowering community that moves forward to a brighter future together! 

lets collaborate together

Your dreams are meant to be lived!
Let's partner together and turn them into your reality.

  • How do I earn and get paid?
    Getting paid is simple. When customers shop with you online and select to have their order shipped directly to them, you earn commission paid to you immediately via your Avon Wallet! On orders shipped to you, your earnings are based on the difference between the discounted amount you pay and the full price your customer pays you. For example, as a new Ambassador, your discount is 25% commission on $40+ beauty orders - your customer would pay you full brochure price.
  • How often do I have to place customer orders?
    Order as often as you want, whenever you want! Our most successful Ambassadors place orders each campaign (every two weeks), as well as share their online store link for 24/7 sales and commissions. To keep your account active and to stay up-to-date, we suggest placing an order in each campaign. We have plenty of training and development options to support you in growing your customer base!
  • Will I be assigned a “territory”?
    You will be happy to know that you can have customers and/or team members Canada wide! We will partner with you to strategize effective ways to promote your business online. Want to keep your business for friends, family, and co-workers only? That’s fine too. At Avon it’s your business, your way, always!
  • Do I need to stock inventory?
    At Avon, you do not need to spend money to make money! Your customers will place their orders with you resulting in ordering only what they require. Should you wish to keep stock of certain items, that is completely up to you.
  • Is there a sales quota that I must meet every month?
    Not at all. However, if you are wanting to build a lucrative business, we will partner with you and discuss ways to source your customers in a way that resonates with you and fits your schedule.
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